ALL COM / COL MATERIALS must be pre-approved prior to shipping fabric or leather.
Upon receipt of your COM/COL sample, we will review the information submitted and contact you with results within 24-48 hours. Please note that this approval is conditional based upon a sample only. Circumstances may require a larger sample for approval, or additional yardage/square footage based upon the condition of the goods when received.
Approved COM / COL yardage must be shipped with all freight, duties and taxes prepaid. All freight collect shipments will be refused. All COM / COL goods must include a packing list from the supplier with Client name and the Purchase Order Number for the Paul Brayton Designs furniture order.
Ship To:
Paul Brayton Designs
COM / COL Warehouse
403 Interstate Drive
Archdale, NC 27263
When placing your purchase order, please specify COM / COL supplier's name, pattern, color and product code on your furniture purchase order for each Paul Brayton Designs item being ordered. Reference your COM / COL approval number on your furniture purchase order. Purchase orders may be submitted to PBD by email to: or fax: 336-882-5300.